Pembuktian Cinta

Pembuktian cinta dan pengorbanan itu bukan saat pacaran. Seringkali pacaran justru tak membuktikan apapun. Bukti cinta itu saat menikah.

Ketika sang istri rela menjalani hidup yg sangat sederhana bersamamu, bersedia berjuang mengarungi hidup yg berat di sisimu, itulah cinta.

Ketika sang suami tak lagi peduli dg gengsi, yg terpenting bisa menafkahi keluarga dg rezeki yg halal dan barokah, itulah cinta.

Ketika sang istri tetap tersenyum meskipun kau tahu ia baru saja merasakan sakit yg amat kuat saat melahirkan bayi mungilmu, itulah cinta.

Ketika sang suami di tengah tidur lelapnya, tak enggan untuk bangun membantu sang istri menenangkan buah hatinya yg menangis di tengah malam, itulah cinta.

Tapi cinta saja tidak cukup untuk membuat seseorang tetap bertahan disisimu. Dalam perjalanannya, pernikahan akan mengalami banyak rintangan. Pernikahan siapa pun, dan apa pun keadaannya, tidak akan pernah bebas dari konflik. Dalam permasalahan-permasalah tersebut sudah pasti terjadi friksi dan turbulensi. Yang mampu membuatnya bertahan adalah sebuah kerendahan hati untuk saling menerima kekurangan satu sama lain dan memegang teguh komitmen yang sudah disepakati. 

Jadilah tempat ternyaman yang akan jadi tempat pertama pasangan kita untuk mencurahkan isi hati, tempat dimana kita bisa menunjukkan apa adanya kita, tempat dimana kita bisa saling berbagi.

Semoga kita mampu menjadi sebaik-baiknya manusia yang akan dipertemukan dengan orang-orang baik. Jika beruntung kita akan hidup bersama dengan orang baik tersebut untuk sama-sama belajar tentang hidup, belajar tentang agama dan saling memperbaiki diri. Jika kamu merasa tidak bisa menemukan orang baik jadilah salah satunya. "do good and good will come to you".



Last Vacation

I decided wrote this essay for accepted snail group challenge. We have challenge to write an essay every week and it's my second essay. Why we called our group "snail"? It's because 4 of us always slow when we eat something hha. Let me tell you about my last vacation. I thought it's not real vacation because I just back to my hometown last new year. My hometown at tanjung city. It's a little bit far from banjarmasin. It takes 5-6 hours to get there. for your information, a long the way you will see a lot of people sell various kind of tropical fruits, such as rambutan, soursop, banana, dog fruits, durian and langsat. You have to try all the various fruits, except dog fruits. some people don't like dog fruits because it's so smelly. My friends and I were planning to go 'kalang hadangan' at sunday morning but it was raining all day long and I spent all day sleeping. Finally, we went to freshnet cafe that's owned by my friend at night. We played uno and talked a lot. I went back to Banjarmasin at monday morning with seri and her aunties. It was a nice weekend.



A Man Called "TEA"

Let me tell you about someone. He is a nice guy that came from another planet. First time he said hello to me at media social, I thought I didn't have any feeling. Truly I'm not a type of person that can fall in love easily. I don't believe with love at the first sight. Why? Because in my opinion, love can’t grow easily just by the way u look at the person at the first time u met him/her. Love is something growing by the time, can’t do easily. True love takes time. But at least I falling in love with him. I dont know why. I'm falling in love just the way he are. It's like he is my mirror. We have the same thought. I likes his smile. I likes listening every single story that he told me. He is a chatterbox. He loves talk a lot And I never bored with him. He makes me learned new things. He teached me to have an open minded. he makes me learned how to be a better person and love my self. I see the world with another point of view. I see the world through into his eyes. I see the world by the way he see the world. Sometimes, we need morphine for increase our capability and he is my morphine. I ever promised to my self if I find someone that can lead me to be a better person I won't let him/her go. But I can't make him stay longer. Indeed, he is so special that can touched my heart deeply.



Book Review: Antologi Rasa (Cinta yang Bertepuk Sebelah Tangan)

ANTOLOGI RASA Oleh     : Ika Natassa Editor : Rosi L. Simamora Penerbit PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama Desain Cov...